

Back in her room, Nikkie’s eyes caught a movement from across the street. Someone moved past the window in that old three-story house. It was so majestic, so huge, and yet somewhat eerie. Inside, someone was moving again past the window. On the porch hung a large wooden sign with shiny black letters stating “Spurs ’n’ Lace Inn.” So many people came and went. What do they do there anyway? Sleep, eat? Maybe they just sit around and talk?

Nikkie pulled herself up. Sitting on the edge of the bed and leaning her elbows on her knees, she thought, One day, I will stay there, sit at the table, and be served hot dishes of gourmet food. Each morning, someone will make my bed, tidy the room, and fold my towels just so. Later, just amble down those stairs, my chin tucked in, my face slightly turned to the side, with my eyes turned upward and to the right. With one hand, I’ll fidget with my ring while holding the other out to be gently grasped by the old cowboy, asking me, “Where would you like to sit, sweet lady?” Yessiree, one day Nikkie will just do that!

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